DH and I thinking of doing Lite and Easy. Because since he my carer. It might be easier for him not to have to worry about our dinner. Even though its $124 for hubby and I. All we might look at Meals and Wheels. Which I need to look up so we can phone them and see if we can get them. We need to find things that be easier for him. Right now we have to make a list of number's we need to call. We rang Silverchain and they made out they don't do my area. Which to me I think is a load of bull shit.
(This is Bailey posing outside ^^)
I know some you ladies are really annoyed that I left Flylady. But I need to have a break. Like I said I post as much I can on my blog on whats going on. My depression right now is rocky. Anyone ringing me don't stress. We unplugged my phone. I told Matt I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm sorry. Please just bear with me. I'm so grateful for all your support. I decided fuck (sorry langue again) God. I think back in the last few years of my life and can't think of anything good he did for hubby and I. IF he is real then why would he take away my son, my girls from me when hubby and I did nothing wrong. Gave my youngest daughter CP and oldest daughter developmental delays. Me intellectual disabilities and so on. See that the reason why I had to leave. I'm not doing so good.
Always remember I love you ladies. I got a lot to sort out. Please forgive my negativity right now.
I love the photo of Bailey Rochell!