Well today I done 5 loads of washing today and they out on the line drying. Its a nice autumn day for it to dry out in the line. Hubby isn't doing well. He still not well. His pain level gone down abit. I said to him if it goes bad again, we should go to hospital. Two night ago he complained it being around 8 out of 10. But last night and today so far it been stuck on 5. Right now he sleeping. I'm thinking about joining him since I'm tired to.
Bailey our cat starting to get re-used to staying indoors again. He cries out every now and then. We thought he be worse than what he is. He a pretty good boy. Buba our dog got a sore foot from licking all the time. I feel sorry for her but I told her that what you get and when she outside she limps around.
I been thinking more lately about my mood lately. Like last night I was being a real bitch to hubby for no reason. I have days when I'm a total bitch. Somedays I think we better off not together but others we desperately need each other and I need him. I want my marriage to work and don't know how. We don't even have a sex life due to him being sick.
If you have any tips to share feel free to share them with me.
Well I'm off to have a lay down for now. I'm tired or I might read my book (The Surrendering Wife one).
Hi Rochelle, I thought you where coming back to FlyLady is there a problem?