Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New blog- no submission!

Ok I deleted all my blogs about submission because it ain't working for our situation right now. I also read in alot of other people's blogs about DD (domestic discipiline) I told my husband about that and he diffently against smacking me and putting me in time out for not behaving. Hence both of us were abused as a child.

Right now I'm my husband's Carer which means I need to be the one having the final say. Mind you my husband rather that because I got more common sense. Hey he admitted that. Like he letting me choose when I think it right to start seeing my youngest daughter. We haven't seen her for awhile now because I been in and out of psych hospitals. Also I just started writing to my oldest daughter 4 weeks ago. So that a huge improvement for me. So I thought I tell everyone who reads this.

I won't be submitting since it doesn't work for us and good luck for those who do it! But I will try to be a good Christian wife though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rochelle, I think you have miss-understood the whole submission thing.

    It is as easy as the game we used to play when we where children. It was called "Follow the Leader" (remember the song we used to sing?).
    Submitting to our hubby is following their lead allowing ourselves to put our lives in their hands as they lead. Today I had a chance to do this or not. I wanted some wood for our bedroom so I went to Bunnings in Midland and the wood was rather bent and old. (Sorry people at Midland.)
    Antony felt to go to Morley; I didn't want to, but I submitted and we went there. As soon as we arrived at the wood stand there, I saw that the wood was new, straight, beautiful wood waiting in the rack. I stood there thinking to myself that the joy of submitting is so sweet. I made a decision to let Antony lead and God blessed me with the desire of my heart - beautiful wood for our very romantic bedroom.
    I can tell you a story of how things have turned around for me just by living this one principle of God's Word.
    We were going to move up to Northam a few years ago. We had selected a beautiful two story house that we were going to build, and I was ready to sign on the dotted line. However, Ant felt 'no' so we didn't. I once again submitted to him as God's man and as my head, and a month or two later Ant had a breakdown and had to leave work. If we had signed and gone ahead we would have been stuck with an unsellable home worth way more than we would have gotten for it, leaving us in debt that we would never have gotten out of, and no home to live in. But that didn't happen because I did things God's way and submitted. Sometimes we give up because it doesn't work the first time we try it, but if we stick at it with a heart that says 'I am doing this for no other reason than doing the Word of God', it does work out.

    This is when a man lords it over you and makes you do things that are against God's Word or principles. You do not have to follow that kind of direction. Or if a man is hitting you and degrading you that is NOT Gods plan for your life. You have every right to say NO.

    When a man is doing it God's way, it works!

    But we, too, must play our part.

    I am by no means a silent wife in our marriage. Antony asks for my input in everything that we do; it's just that someone has to step up and make the final decision and God said that's the mans job!
    If our Hubbys are not doing a good job, we are meant to pray for them, ask God to speak to them, and pray that they will have a listening heart.

    I pray for Antony every day that he will hear the voice of God and that he will become everything that God has made him to become. Do I see fruit of this every day? NO, but I keep praying. Why? - because that is my part of what God has called me to do. It's not easy but it does work. When we are doing what we are meant to do then in the end it will work out.

    We have a saying in our family - it goes like this: "NO SACRIFICE, NO VICTORY"

    Rochelle: before I go, sweetie, sex is mentioned in the Word. It says that the wife's body is the husband's, AND the husband's body is the wife's. This is a two-way thing. And, of course the Bible says we should love each other (that's Godly love - the Greek is 'agape', which doesn't mean sex). One writer put it like this: 'Godly love means that one partner will not insist on what the other partner does not want.' Sex is something we work out together and we both have fun.

    If you have any question just ask!
